Rock @ L

Life is too hectic once you are in a B-School of the stature of IIML (No, I am not bragging when I say that). Watch out what is happening in the life of a fresher, straight from an UG college to a B-School and struggling for survival here.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Artificial Intelligence Replacing Humanity: An Evolution

Since the days when AI was first mentioned as a disinct possibility, mankind has been wondering about its aftereffects. Enormous literature today exists which speculates the possibilities and many motion pictures have been created depicting the future. AI by Stephen Spielberg was one of such classics. Matrix Trilogy, I-Robot and various other speculations have already tarnished the image of a technology which is still to be realized fully. The underlying philosophy is that AI, a creation of mankind, due to its high potential growth and evolution levels, will soon go out of control. It will overpower humanity and will become the unchallenged ruler of the planet. The process will be self-recuperating since AI will lead to the development of better programs (at an enormously high rate) which will further improve and strengthen AI. AI thus far ahead of humans will refuse to be ruled and any kind of protests and remonstrations will be dealt severly leading to excessive losses to human kind.

I will go about refuting this philosophy one by one.

(i) AI is not a separate entity. It is a part of the big system of which humans are part of.

(ii) There is essentially no difference between living beings and AI. Organic matter does not make life, stimulus to an action does. AI will definitely have an stimulus to any action.

(iii) Human beings are not special creatures. They are just a part of the large ecosystem. Due to enormous levels of brain power and being very high in terms of evolution, humans have been able to rule the planet. Humans have been exploiting the resources to their advantage and are depleting the nature, from which they have emerged. To further enhance their power, they are developing a system which will be self-learning and will be a form of life itself, which they are calling AI. AI according to me is in accordance with the overall genetic evolution. It is a game of survival of the fittest. Growth will happen, AI will develop and being more 'fit' will surely replace the humans as the rulers of the planet. This is in accordance with the evolution which is perfectly natural and essential. AI will use humans in the same way as humans are using nature today.

Rationality reveals that although AI is looked down upon by many people, it is not different from human beings. It is just a better form of species. Humans must marvel on such a technology and not crib about it. They must welcome it and accept it as a natural form of evolution.


Blogger Webster said...

nice thoughts of urs...

but abt the AI takin up humans ur going 2 much fast forward into future..aint happenin nearby

though i love iRobot too...

9:37 AM  

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